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Some Thoughts on Free Speech

When our nation was born
it entered the world on backs of brave people;
with guns over their shoulders and pens in hand
they took to the page to write breath into their nation
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness,
Promising justice for one, justice for all
When our nation was born
We stood up for the little guys
Our belongings were ours, our guns were ours, our religion, our press, our voices were ours
Certain unalienable rights endowed by the Creator
Where did we go wrong?
Free speech is harmful
It’s why bad music is on the radio
It’s why white supremacists in Charlottesville can salute the Nazi flag
It’s why our kids get tobacco marketed to them like it’s candy
It’s why Richard Spencer can call MLK Jr. a fraud and degenerate
It’s why Batman vs. Superman sucked, why machine gun Kelly and Eminem can curse each other for who knows what, and why Megyn Kelly’s advocacy for blackface doesn’t get her sent to jail
It’s why the guy who calls you a dumbass outside of his car window when he sees your Black Lives Matter sign won’t be punished and why our First Lady can really not care
The Ku Klux Klan’s website is still online, and I can get in trouble with the law for trying to silence it
The Westboro Baptist church attended the George Bush’s funeral, which is information I found on their website: GodHatesFags.com
Free speech is the racism, the hatred, the anger
It’s the American flag hats and Confederate flag swim trunks worn by the racists with torches
It’s the burning cross in your front yard and the bully calling your kid a faggot during recess
Jamal Khashoggi was murdered for free speech, and until his dying breath he wrote of its necessity.
But when hate fills our ears and free speech poisons our public discourse, we don’t sit and take it.
We stand
because free speech also means
we can resist.
Free speech means standing in the cold, bragging about your democracy, because for every guy that calls you an asshole, there’s ten others that give you a thumbs up and a smile
It means art can breathe and grow
It means tweeting at the president when he throws kids in cages
It means Fear
It means Fire and Fury
It means Jim Acosta will NOT BE SILENCED
It means American flag hats and the loving patriots who wear them
It means the freedom to criticize your president when he’s the racist in the flag hat
It means political correctness and spreading kindness
It means kneeling athletes who stand up against injustice in their communities
It means the kids who step up to protect yours from the bullies
It means we can read To Kill a Mockingbird, The Bell Jar, Great Gatsby, The Grapes of Wrath
Because when the founders of our nation put
Their pen to the page
Their ideas to the test
Their voices to the world
And declared their freedoms to the universe
They gave us the chance to resist
Because you don’t write when you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.
Because if you don’t stand up for the stuff you don’t like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you’ve already lost.
Because there is no such thing as a false idea
Because restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions.
In America, we tolerate dissent and protect the dissenters.
Because if freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter

Some Thoughts on Free Speech

Some Thoughts on Free Speech
